
Thank you for visiting Coolest-Travel-Pictures.com.

For the past 20 years I’ve had the opportunity to travel to some great places within the United States and abroad. As an avid photographer, I’ve always carried a camera with me wherever I go, especially on trips. In the last few years, traveling with my wife, I’ve managed to take thousands of pictures, consisting of Mayan Pyramids, New York skylines, Hawaiian adventures, Southern California sunsets, even the largest cruise ship in the world, Oasis of the Seas, I can go on and on.

After many trips and literally hundreds of thousands of pictures, this site was created to share the images to family, friends and anyone interested in viewing them.  I try to explain the events and/or experience I had while taking the pictures, hopefully providing some useful information. I don’t make any claims as to the accuracy of the locations, names or times, so please take what I write as a simple journal which can include some errors, however I try to be as accurate as possible.

Photography background:

I purchased my first camera in 1989, a Nikon N4004s, not the best camera to learn photography but it was enough to get me going. Since then I’ve owned/used many film cameras, like the Nikon FG-10, FM, N90, F4. I’m also familiar with many Canon film camera’s like the Canon AE-1 and Rebel. In the new digital age, I’ve owned and used the Nikon D70, D90, D300s, D700 and the most current D7000 (as of Jan 2011). In the world of Canon, I’m more familiar with their powershot compact G series cameras, as well as some of the new DSLR’s. I especially love the color Canon produces for landscapes, beach shots and anything outdoors. As for lenses, well there are too many to mention, honestly I don’t remember them all.

Using these cameras and lenses for more than 20 years doesn’t make me an expert, so I don’t pretend to be one. However, when I recommend a camera or lens, it’s based on these 20+ years of photographing places, events, buildings, and all kinds of “stuff”. So it does come with some “experience”! 🙂

Amazon Links help support this site.

Google ads are nice, but what really helps me to continue providing updates are the Amazon links. I personally use Amazon.com all the time, both for purchasing camera’s and lenses, but also for all types of electronics, books, and household items. They have the best customer service on the internet and the most secure secure site I know, which is most important. So by using my Amazon.com links to purchase your items helps me maintain this site, and for that my wife is extremely grateful!




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